Inspectors Campos and Holt solve “The Case of the Missing Bukowski First
Edition”, a case which gripped the city of Los Angeles for many months
after it was revealed that the old poet had hand-written some of his
favorite four-letter words on some of the pages, which of course added
great value to the book’s worth.

The book had mysteriously disappeared from its display case at the
Lotsofmoney Museum, 5th avenue and 61st st.

Inspector Campos is obviously a master of his craft. Has a brilliant
mind that can instantly assess and evaluate a situation, guiding it
toward a successful conclusion, in a matter of nanoseconds.

His poetry companion is none other than Inspector Holt, who is on loan
from the Interpol Crime File, of London. Inspector Holt is a poet of
note, having been widely published in several police jurisdictions,
mainly while in their custody.

(At this point the suspect suspects that his suspicion was suspect, at
best, or even at worst… oops! How embarrassing, that’s from a differ-
ent episode!) Carry on!

“And did I mention that we’re live, from way out west,
and that it’s Saturday night?!”

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