(This one is No. 16 of “NEW YORK 16”,
my adventures in N.Y. back in ’83).
– – – – – – – – – – – – –

-Thanks for the happenings,
friends, relatives, people,
the poets & their poetry,
the jaywalkers, the self-mumblers,
the things that are The City…

-Thanks for organized
chaos, madness & confusion,
adrenalin for the senses,
season’s ticket
to the Theater of the Absurd…

-Thanks for the sharing,
good feeling & good books
& magazines, at the
New York Book Fair,
and meeting Arthur Winfield Knight,
sitting behind his table
among Neal & the Beats.
and the previously unpublished
Kerouac photo he gave me…

-Thanks to the mysterious forces
that keep The City alive,
vibrant, on the move,
in a rush to get there triumphant,
or just to get there…

-Rush to the train,
rush across the street,
rush behind the one that rushes…
keep rushing, New York,
that elusive intangible
is just around the concrete.

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