(back in ’12, according to the Mayan calendar,
the world was supposed to end some time around
the end of the year; I wrote this just before
the “final” days.)
-Greetings from KMAYAN,
2012 on your FM (Final Moments) dial –
stay tuned with us
until The End.
-We have the greatest line-up
of final good-byes…
-Here’s Oprah!-
-‘Hi everyone! It’s been great!
Keep thinking positive.
I’ll see you on the Other Side.’
-Gustavo Dudamel!
‘Don’t change the station,
the final movement of Beethoven’s 9th,
coming up.’
-Billy Graham!
‘There’s still time to repent…’
-Mickey Mouse!
‘I’m a fake! I’m into bondage
and have been a heavy pot smoker
for years!’
-Richard Gere!
‘Yep! This is a time to tell the truth!
I confess… it did happen…
the rumors were true.’
-Bernie Madoff!
‘Please! I’m trapped!
let me out of here…
I’ll tell you where
the rest of the money is!!