(From ’74 or ’75 – Rod McKuen made big money
selling his books of poetry to the June/moon crowd.
Joe Hansen hated the use of ‘ing’ endings of words
in poetry… not enough impact.
-Chapter 1
-The clues were many…
fraternizing with clichés
and ‘ing’ endings,
flagellating sentences,
22 caliber puns…
-The Poet Patrol surrounds him
at his unlicensed poetry factory…
-“Luís! C’mon out
with your Underwood up!
Turn in your images!”
-Defiantly, the poet shouts,
“Truth is a myth!”
-Chapter 2
-“How do you plead guilty, or else?”
–“Innocent, Your Honor,
by reasonable dissonance!”
-“The State will prove collusion
between the accused
& the Benevolent Union
of Rhyming Poets, or B.U.R.P.”
-Famous attorney Kuntzler B. Poetaster
speaks for the defense:
“Your Honor, in the best
plea bargaining tradition,
my client changes his stanza
to nolo bullshitus.”
-“Motion denied!
Two McKuen readings
or 30 days!”